Hoàng Trung Bắc
Culture and Language Exchange Project
As the world turns, nations cross. By doing so, they accidentally “remove” the borders keeping themselves inside. As a consequence, international social activities is there to help connect the people between different nations, to help gain trust and build up relations between them, and to achieve a same goal.
As dealing with international matters are by no means easy, certain skills are worth considering beforehand. First of all, good language proficiency is the near most important factor, for obvious reasons. A good research on the cultures you are encountering is also necessary, as well as skills in effective communicating and public speaking, as to always take the active role in the talks. Other teamwork behaviors, such as discipline or time management, are compulsory. However, the one most important factor is confidence. No one flies straight to the finish line, there is always room to try again if you fail, as long as the problems you caused does not get too serious.
As for difficulties that may come through, the most noticeable were mentioned above: language and culture barriers, essentia initial skills. Once they are overcome, they would give an enormous, irreplaceable advantage: experience. Once we earn our own experience, we have the confidence to keep participating. So it is crucial that we have the courage to try. Hard and challenging as it may seem, it is possible if we have the guts.
The biggest problem is to get our head in. Social activities in international environment are challenging and therefore, fun! Why afraid? “Whether you think you can or think you can't - you are right.” Give it a shot and see the results!
Phạm Nguyễn Minh Hiếu
International Relations English Club (IREC COOL)
Intercultural love involves people from two different cultural backgrounds who may or may not have the same skin tone. Like any other relationship, it will present challenges to overcome. However, these difficulties can be significantly different from those relations which have the same cultural background. People can attain a successful achievement if they face these challenges with understanding and knowledge of how they can be addressed. My presentation will focus on 4 main tips that will help cross-cultural love be everlasting. They are communication, custom, family and religion.
First of all, communication includes body gestures, verbal language, and the behavior that is embedded in our lives. There can be misunderstandings based on one person's perception of the other people's words and actions due to the differences in their cultures, even a common behavior in one culture can be offensive in others.
Secondly, people in each culture learn a vast collection of customs throughout their lives. These customs include household, religious, and business customs as well as everyday etiquette. Some cultures teach to always say please and thank you, while other cultures believe these phrases are understood. Cross-cultural relationships require collaborative respect to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings based on cultural differences.
Next, family acceptance can often be a major determining factor as to whether or not an intercultural romantic or marital relationship succeeds. Some cultures are strict against mixing between races or cultures and their lack of acceptance could cause significant problems in an intercultural relationship. Family members could also have knowledge of your partner's culture to address and resolve.
Finally, differences in religions, such as holidays to celebrates, ceremonies, or where to worship can also create disturbances in cross-cultural relationships. There could also be noticeable differences in foods that are avoided or included for religious reasons, and each person's ability and willingness to tolerate the other consuming of such foods, or their distaste for such foods. This concern extends to holiday celebrations and observed religious days, and could possibly be a problem every day.
In conclusion, love doesn't have any boundaries. They key to success in cross-cultural love is to penetrate and accept each other’s culture.
Nguyễn Thị Diễm Thúy
Baby Puppetry Center
“When you are as old as me now, you will have the same opinions as mine”, said my mother when we had a sensational discussion. I cannot understand what her saying was. I think much about it and realize that we have many differences. So what is its cause? The answer is the generation gap.
”Generation gap” is a popular term used to describe the wide differences between the young and the old. A generation gap exists when older and younger people do not understand each other because of their experiences, their opinions, habits, behavior, life condition or standard. There are also some gaps among people in 70's, 80's, 90's, but the most popular one is in family.
Firstly, there are some different opinions between parents and children of their career, education and love. When parents were young, they didn't have a good condition to develop their abilities. Therefore, they always want their children to get what they haven't got yet. They arrange everything for their babies by selecting schools and job, and finding a wife or a husband for them. Moreover, children almost cannot decide what should be necessary for them. Children will work the same jobs as their parents. Sometimes children will be forced to get married with people whom they do not love. There are many things children want, but their parents think those are unnecessary. That causes misunderstanding and makes gaps.
Secondly, the young generation think differently from the old generation do. The youth have chances to integrate, so they can be affected by many new modern trends. They like up-to-date clothes or hair styles that make them more attractive and fashionable while the elderly consider those are queer or ludicrous. The junior like listening to pop, rock, hip hop music while the senior like listening to pre-war music, folk songs. The young generation like watching thrilling or action films, but the old generation like watching renovated theater. These are other gaps among generations.
The young are now more confident and independent. However, they lack of experiences. Sometimes they pass over all advices of the old. They desire to decide their future lives without experience. In contrast, the old have more experience. They know what is right and what is wrong, but the young will deny or comment on everything without any experience. As a result, in some cases, the young generation make foolish mistakes because of having no experience.
In short, life in the past was harder than now, so generation gaps still exist. Parents seldom listen to their children and children always think parents are so strict and conservative. To shorten these distances or to clear away this big barrier, parents and children should sit together and talk or discuss like friends. The young can learn experiences from the old, and the old need to be open-minded in order to accept the new life style of the young. If everyone can do that, the gaps will be filled.
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